Lubricant Oil |
Meaning of LubricationLubrication is the minimization of friction with the help of a friction-reducing film between moving surfaces in contact for smooth motion. The lubricant used can be a liquid, firm, or plastic material. Various substances are used to lubricate a surface. Oil and grease are the most common. Grease consists of oil and a thickening agent to attain its consistency, while the oil is what lubricates. Let us know more about Lubricant Oil Manufacturers and Suppliers:
The Role of Lubrication
•Reduce friction
•avoid wear
•Protect the apparatus from corrosion
•Control temperature
•Control contamination
•Transmit power
•supply a fluid seal
Types of Lubrication
Hydrodynamic lubrication
It occurs when two facades are in sliding are fully separated by a film of fluid.
Elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication
It is similar but occurs when the facades are in a rolling motion. The film layer in elasto-hydrodynamic conditions is much thinner than that of hydrodynamic lubrication.
Boundary lubrication
It is where there are regular starts and stops and where shock-loading circumstances are there. Several oils have extreme-pressure (EP) or anti-wear (AW) additives to help guard surfaces in the incident that full films are not attained due to speed or load. These additives grip metal surfaces and form another layer that protects the metal from wear. Boundary lubrication arises when the two bases make contact, and only the EP or AW layer protects them. It is not considered good, as it causes high friction, heat, and other undesirable effects.
Mixed lubrication
While the mass of the surfaces is divided by a lubricating coat, the asperities still make contact with each other. With a better considerate of this procedure, it should be easier to define what lubrication is. It is a process of either sorting out surfaces or protecting them from friction, heat, wear, and power consumption.
Lubrication is one of the most important aspects of any revolving gear dependability program. Lubrication associated failures are the most preventable type of machinery failures. With sufficient attention to details, they should be exceptional events. It is usually through the overlook of lubricants and lubrication systems that apparatus fail too early.
As a machinery operator, your alertness plays a central role in maximizing the life of a Machine. The lubricants and sealing methods existing today have greatly enhanced the dependability of both under pressure, non-pressurized, sump and splash type lubrication systems. All machines need to lubricate their radial and axial bearings to maintain the rotor's position relative to the casing and ensure reliable operation.
•Reducing wear by separating moving surfaces.
•Reducing friction between the rotating and stationary components.
•Absorbing shock.
•Dampening noise.
•Removing heat transmitted down the shaft from the process end of the machine
•Minimizing corrosion
•Keeping contaminates away from the bearing components
•Flushing contaminants away from bearings
•Acting as a sealing medium.
Lubrication is the minimization of friction with the help of a friction-reducing film between moving surfaces in contact for smooth motion. Several substances are being used to lubricate a surface. Oil and grease are the most common. Several oils have extreme-pressure (EP) or anti-wear (AW) additives to help guard surfaces in the incident that full films are not attained due to speed or load. These additives grip metal surfaces and form another layer that protects the metal from wear.
Lubrication associated failures are the most preventable type of machinery failures. The lubricants and sealing methods existing today have greatly enhanced the dependability of both under pressure, non-pressurized, sump and splash type lubrication systems. All Lubricant Oil Manufacturers and Suppliers need to lubricate their radial and axial bearings in machinery to maintain the rotor's position relative to the casing and ensure reliable operation. It tells us the importance of The Role of Lubrication
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